Friday 4 March 2016

Environmental Storytelling - Leeds Civic Hall

My first chosen location to draw up as part of my environmental storytelling project was Leeds Civic Hall and I chose it because I really like old architecture rather than new as it has a lot more character to it. Below are some of my drawings I have done!

Even though some of my lines aren't straight in some of my drawings I still feel like they are a good representation of my location. It was quite hard to stand and quickly sketch out the locations and I found it easier to do them very roughly in pencil and work into them later from the image I had taken. I liked my first drawing best as it has the most character but to improve I could have taken more care on my perspectives, however this project is all about learning how to use perspectives as I have never done this before. So, as my first time going out and trying to draw a location with the correct perspectives I don't think this was too bad of a try! I have taken photographs of this location and I will put the images below.

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