Tuesday 6 October 2015

Kiki's Delivery Service Storyboard

This is one of my personal favourites from Studio Ghibli and when I looked at the storyboards behind the animation it gave me an in sight into how Hayao Miyazaki made his scenes come to life. The thing I enjoy about these frames is that some are detailed with backgrounds, whereas some are completely minimal just to show the characters emotions. I think this works well especially when creating a feautre-length film as it would take too long to continuously draw the whole scene over and over and still gets the message across as to how the character is feeling. When looking at some of the shots I also noticed that Miyazaki draws the characters on one frame twice to show they are moving across the screen. This is a great technique that I can take away as I feel it shows the action much better than just an action like which may be less clear. Finally, all of these shots are either black and white or have very minimal colour added which I like because then the final colours of the film are still to be decided and discussed as the storyboard is only the beginning. 

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