One point perspective only has one vanishing point and uses a variety of orthogonal lines and transversal lines to make up the image. The one point perspective is most commonly used for drawing things such as roads, train tracks or hallways as these type of images only need one vanishing point.
Orthogonal lines are those that always appear to meet at the vanishing point and are straight diagonal lines that make the image appear to have depth. Transversal lines on the other hand are the right angles to the orthogonal lines and run parallel to the picture frame. Below is an image of the two different types of lines and how they work together to form the image. The green lines are the transversal line and the red are the orthogonal lines.
This perspective technique is slightly more difficult as it uses instead two vanishing points, and this also means that it has to have two sets of orthogonal lines too. This also changes the rules within the transversal lines as instead of being parallel to the picture frame they now become parallel to the ground plane. Below the image shows how there is two vanishing points now although, the tricky part is that the two vanishing points are usually completely out of the frame and this is something you have to try and imagine being there.
The two point perspective is the most commonly used technique and it is very useful in animations as it can create a more realistic scene rather than using a one point perspective. and I found a really good video example below explaining how you can physically use the vanishing points to draw your building.
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