Tuesday 16 May 2017

Applied Production Diary - (15/5/17 - 17/5/17)

This week is the submission week and we spent it getting everything together and creating the DVD cover, finishing off the pitch bible and creating the press pack to submit to festivals.

I took the job of creating the press pack, whilst Emma finished off the pitch bible and Amy sorted the DVD case. I had actually never heard of a press pack before, so creating it was something completely new to me!

Here is what I created after we decided as a team what our house font would be.

I felt I didn't do too bad of a job at this and my favourite is the front page. Before creating that page, Amy and I went up to the stop-motion studio with a DSLR and took some really funky pictures of Louie to use as a cover and had a mini photoshoot. Below are the pictures we took.

I decided it was better to take dark pictures and then it would be easy just to lighten them in Photoshop, as sometimes if the image is too bright it's hard to edit.

These pictures were also really great for my portfolio as a puppet I have created!

Amy then made the DVD Cover and we put the products together.

I'm really happy with how these products have come out and I think they look quite professional. It feels strange to see our animation as a final product as I have never taken an animation this far before. We are now ready for submission!

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